Dr Roger Perkins
Gynaecologist Perth

Heavy Periods

  • Causes & treatment
  • Fibroids treatment
  • Endometriosis treatment
  • Hysterectomy
Heavy periods are a common complaint and a reason to see your gynaecologist. As a woman, you know that some level of period pain and bleeding is normal in the cycle. However, if you experience severe symptoms, it is advisable to ask a referral to your gynaecologist, to check for underlying problems such as fibroids or endometriosis.

Dr Roger Perkins | Perth Gynaecologist

What is period pain? What are heavy periods?

Menstrual loss consists of blood and shed endometrial lining. Up to 35 ml loss lasting for 5 days is usual each period. Anything over 80 ml is considered abnormally heavy.

It is often hard for women to know whether their cycle is abnormal. After all, how do you compare yourself with others? A woman’s menstrual cycle is very individual and private, and so learning what may be different from others can be difficult. It may help to know that each large tampon or pad can hold up to 10 ml when full.

Most women will appreciate that having some degree of period pain and bleeding is normal. However, sometimes when severe, this can be an indication of underlying problems such as endometriosis and fibroids. Certainly, if bleeding is excessive with large clots, and if needing double protection with tampons and pads, or when associated with iron deficiency, this requires specialist gynaecology evaluation. This is also true if the bleeding pattern is not regular, especially if bleeding occurs between periods.

With a thorough evaluation from a gynaecologist, it is possible to rule out important underlying medical conditions.

Heavy period | Dr Roger Perkins Perth

Dr Roger Perkins | Gynaecologist Perth

What may cause period pain?

Dr Roger Perkins | Gynaecologist Perth

How do we treat period pain?

Dr Roger Perkins | Fibroids specialist Perth

Fibroids treatment

Fibroids are relatively common benign growths within the muscle layer of the uterus.

They can be associated with heavy periods and infertility. The size of the fibroid and their location are important factors. Classification from outside to in:

  • Serosal fibroids (towards the outer layer of the uterus). These are often less of a concern because they have less effect on fertility, but may cause problems by pressing on the bladder and being noticeable during physical activities.
  • Intramural fibroids (within the wall of the uterus). These may cause heavy bleeding and affect your fertility.
  • Mucosal fibroids (impinge on the cavity of the uterus). These can be the most concerning. They may interfere with pregnancy implantation and lead to infertility if not treated.

If you have large fibroids, you may notice them, as they can press on adjacent structures or interfere with urine flow. Sometimes, bladder capacity is reduced by the fibroid, so you find you need to empty the bladder frequently.

Depending on the size and location of the fibroids within the uterus, your specialist will determine the best form of management. This management needs to be individualised by the gynaecologist. Sometimes medication therapy will suffice, and in other situations surgery is needed.

Heavy period | Dr Roger Perkins Perth

Treatment of fibroids

Dr Roger Perkins | Endometriosis specialist Perth

Endometriosis treatment

Dr Roger Perkins | Gynaecologist Perth


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About Dr Roger Perkins

"My aim is to make you feel comfortable at all times. My consultation style is unrushed and I respect your schedule by minimising waiting times. You are a unique person and I make it my goal to truly get to know you."
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Dr Roger Perkins Gynaecology Perth